Find Your Way to The Beautiful Life

Where to Begin

Looking for the beautiful life or wondering how to get there? Even if a dozen tasks are screaming for your attention right now do yourself a favour. Take a moment to read this page and consider what a beautiful life means to you. This process has the potential to set you on the path to permanent, lasting and beautiful change sooner than you think.

You don’t need to uproot everything in your life to create a beautiful life or wait until you have free time in your schedule. Busy people are often able to create change more effectively than those with loads of free time because they work in small, achievable steps. Small changes can bring the best results. That is especially true when you begin to redirect energy in a way that improves your experience in the immediate moment. You can learn to do that right now. Learning to repeat that practice and continually direct your focus and energy in a way that supports you has the power to transform your life into a beautiful one.

It’s all about finding a way to be consistent, learning wisdom’s tools, and having the courage to face your authentic self. You don’t need to buy a product, enroll in a class, join a religion, go on a trip, or even significantly change your circumstances. All you need is an open heart, a willing mind and the courage to claim what is yours.

This blog is your invitation to claim your beautiful life. It is the web-home where I lay out my process, share my insights and outline steps you can implement to build your own beautiful life. It is also my cache of treasured tools and strategies I’ve gleaned from others along the way. And last but not least, it is also where I share where the process is taking me in my own life.

So busy person, if you have only one more minute before you get on your way, consider this one thing before you do. Play with it in the back of your mind like a piece of popcorn stuck between your teeth. Sometimes you need to toy with things a bit to get down to the nitty gritty.

The question for you today is:

What does a beautiful life mean to you?

I don’t mean your “best life” nor anything you might think you need to achieve or acquire to be happy. It’s not about preconditions for happiness or how other people might be preventing you from being happy. It’s not about accomplishment or acquisition or the people around you at all.

Start with considering how you would feel if you were living a fully beautiful life in this minute. Imagine you have everything you ever wanted, that you weren’t faced with any scary challenges or significant problems. What would it feel like to be living in a state of grace or perfect happiness right now? Close your eyes. Give yourself permission to breath calmly, centre your attention and find that place of radiance within you. Hopefully you have a time in your life where you experienced such feelings before. Remember how it felt.

Imagine a place that supports or increases that feeling of perfect well-being inside you in this moment. Are you in a beautiful garden, floating in the middle of a magnificent lake, communing with the sky, sitting on a mountain top, in your Nan’s kitchen surrounded by the people you love or perhaps holding your child for the first time? The image that intensifies the sensation of radiance within you is more than just your happy place. It has the power to strengthen and regenerate. Spending time contemplating your connection to a beautiful moment and how it looks internally to you, can give you essential clues as to what you genuinely need to make that experience a daily reality.

When hope hurts

Sometimes trying to envisage a place where we are whole and living joyfully, or connecting with our regenerative centre can be unexpectedly difficult or painful. If you are struggling with unresolved trauma or significant losses it can be painful to open up to hope again. If this is your situation have my deepest sympathies. I’ve been there. It takes courage to face this kind of pain and take responsibility for addressing it. If you need help in the moment, try following the link at the bottom of this article to a YouTube video with Eckhart Tolle on how to overcome suffering. It is a good starting point. I honour your courage in showing up for yourself. If you continue to do it, you will find your way to healing the wounds that haunt you.

Who Am I?

Once upon a time I was an ambitious and busy trial lawyer. My sense of self-worth depended on my ability to master complex challenges and gain the respect of my peers. Luckily, I was a life-long seeker of spiritual, philosophical and scientific wisdom long before I invested in a legal career. When my world went pear-shaped and I had to give up my legal career, I realized my chronic health problems were not going to improve unless I started basing my life on rejuvenation and joy. That decision gave me permission to open doors I had previously thought I did not have the time or finances to open. Changing how I approach my days, how I prioritize my goals and choices and choosing to work from a place of joy and strength, has been the greatest gift I could give myself and those around me. I’ve managed to overcome chronic debilitating pain and stop the progress of degenerative diseases that were robbing me of my mobility. My only regret is that it took me so long to give myself permission to live beautifully every day, no matter what.

I believe everyone who genuinely seeks a beautiful life can find their way. The journey has the potential to heal and strengthen you as well as bring you peace, love and joy no matter what your circumstances. My process is influenced by years of wisdom-seeking and learning how to apply those tools in my own life. The process helps me to keep me centred, shed false beliefs and overcome internal stumbling blocks. It’s a process that is far from complete but that also never stops amazing me in how powerfully it changes my experience of life.

Next up, How to be Happy

The Problem with Happiness is Your Good Fortune

Subscribe to this blog if you wish to get updates on my latest explorations, fascinations, discoveries and delights. You are all most welcome on the journey. My best hope is that you will find something here that makes your life more beautiful every day.

Namaste Beautiful Seeker

Eckhart Tolle – How to Avoid Getting Lost in Suffering